Posture Corrector Brace 

Good posture: Proper alignment of body when sitting, standing and performing ADLS.

Slouched Posture :

Rounded shoulders, increased kyphotic curve, forward head etc 

Causes of slouched posture: 

Prolonged sitting (computer/laptop jobs, mobile use, driving etc)

Prolonged standing ( Security guards, industry workers)

Purpose of Posture Corrector Belt:

  • Used to align body
  • To treat bad/slouched posture, kyphosis and rounded shoulders

When to use?
  • In prolonged Sitting
  • Walking
  • 2 hours per day is mandatory to store correct posture in sub-conscious mind
Posture corrector brace is best to correct posture but it does not strengthen muscles
Exercises should be performed everyday to strengthen muscles and keep body in correct alignment
