Sociology Semester 3
Q: List down the names of groups from which you
belong and why?
List of groups I belong to:
1-Primary Group :
The first group I belong to is a primary group
that constitutes my family. I belong to my family as I live
with them, continuously interact with them (face to
face), share feelings and care for them. Although there
are only three members in my family but it is for an
extended period of time.
Another example for primary group are my friends.We
interact on a daily basis, have informal conversations, a
sense of freedom and spontaneity.
2-Secondary Group:
The second group I belong to is a secondary
For example, my sociology class.That is a large group of
pupils having face to face interaction for a shorter span
(an hour a day) excluding weekends for one
semester.We all have the same purpose, sort of formal
conversations , the role of our personality involved is as
a classmate or a student.
3-Voluntary Group
A voluntary group is the one that is by choice.I be
going on an appointment with a physiotherapist. Now,
there is an opportunity of choosing the physiotherapist
myself. As I better demonstrate whether to bookappointment for a female therapist or a male therapist
or even by the age group or experience basis.
4-In-voluntary Group:
Most often in the university I become a part of
the involuntary group where the teachers of different
subjects split students randomly for making group
assignments or presentations.It is a type of involuntary
group as the students have no choice of choosing their
type of students or maybe their friends and have to
manage with the students the teacher selects for them.
5-In Group :
I am Muslim Sunni.People around me who
are Sunni are making an in-group with me as we share
the same Religious group.That is our unchanged
Another example for this is my cast.Just like I am Malik
Awan.People who belong to the same cast are my
6-Out Group :
Out group is in a competitive sense.The
competition of my Religion (Islam) with some other
religion (Christianity) comes under out-group.
Another example of this is a comparison of my cast
Malik Awan with some other cast e.g. Gujjar.
7-Reference Group :
After getting lecture in sociology class.It
becomes my responsibility to show the outcomes
according to what my mind absorbed.For example, it
becomes my responsibility to impart ethics,a good social
behavior and good use of language publicly.This
behaviour is termed as a reference group.We behave amember of the sociology lecture that was delivered to
teach us about good social interaction
